• Sophie BRILLAUD (EI) Company manager

    Sector Indre et Creuse

    My journey
    After working as an accountant and executive assistant for 25 years, I was able to discover the real estate profession I had been dreaming of for a few years, by joining a company specializing in charming properties. Over the course of almost six years, I learned to take an inquisitive yet respectful approach to places and people, with their very particular stories, and to provide personalized support for buyers and sellers, as close as possible to their expectations, in life circumstances that can sometimes be complicated. Real estate is first and foremost a story of encounters.

    My approach to the profession

    Encounters that inspire us, thanks to the testimonies of people who tell us the story of their home, and through the atmosphere, the marks of time in the stone, a year engraved in the keystone, a stone worn by the ring to which the horse was tied, we perceive the soul of the place. It is a thread that guides me in the shots I like to take, taking the time necessary to show the property to its best advantage, so that the charm works on the person who arrives at just the right moment to write the rest of the story.
    It is these wonderful encounters that make our profession so rich..

    Our region

    If you are planning to come and settle down in Berry, and more particularly in the department of Indre, I would like you to start by discovering writer George Sand's Black Valley, her estate at Nohant, with its romantic interior and garden decorations, the surrounding green countryside of her domain, and the old town of La Châtre; not forgetting the picturesque village of Gargilesse, one of France's most beautiful villages, where George Sand also had a home. It is a countryside I know well and love for its tranquility, its landscapes, and its gastronomy (I can recommend some good restaurants...). It is a great place to live, and I am not just saying that because I was born here. If you still have a bit of time, why not take a trip down the department of Cher, through the potters' village of Les Archers, just outside the village of Le Châtelet, whose history dates back to the 17th century, on your way to the beautiful city of Bourges.

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